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From 1881 to Present

J. Umpherston

T.C Ellis

Dr. Brown

Geo. Riddoch

T. Williams

F. Davison

Capt. Gardiner

J. Riddoch

T. Haig

A. F. Laurie

J. Watson

T. Edwards

W. Mitchell

J. Bowd

W.H. Renfrey

J.T Morris

Jos. Bowd

D. Regan

D. Ryan

A.J Wedd

J. Paris

J. Duell

W. Richardson

E.J Lock

Miss Shideman

J.W Barry

C.W.R Crafter

G. Bailey

W.D Mitchell

W.C Milton

J. Pick

C.T Major

D.A Collins

E.J Bodey

R.F White

T.F Gratwick

C.H Hirth

G.E McDonald

E.W Tollner

J.K Foster

E.S Aldcock

R.D Wilson

J.H Pick

Mrs C.W.F Crafter

W. J Hemmings

W.J Jenkin

J.P.R Malseed

A.E.J Frost

H.A Kuhl

Mrs R.M Vorwerk

G.J Uphill

Mrs. W.J Jenkin

Miss M. Clark

A. T Little

C.H Williams

L.B.J Uphill

H. Kuhl

L.H Lewis

H.G Johnson

M.C Walters

W.L Barows

Mrs. W.J Hogan

Miss M. Milton

J.H Atkinson

J.B Barrows

Mrs N. W Aslin

D.M Johnston

Miss F. W Kaiser

Mrs V.E Kuhl

M.S Varcoe

I.E Vorwerk

W.L Williams

R.N Little

E.M Uphill

J.R. Jenkin

Mrs E Thomas

A.A Kuhl

P.A Malseed

N.D Wilson

J.S Bourchier

R.McB Wilson


Mrs S.J Dohle

D.I O'Connor

Miss S.D Wilson

Mrs R. R Sherry

A.L Wilson

H.G Anderson

A. Jenkin

M.L Hill

Mrs J Bird

H.R Hancock

Mrs B Hill

A.D Hartwig

D.F.A Kilsby

J.E. Walpole

Mrs J.B Aikman

H.P Jones

E.C Lewis

J R Wilsher

Mrs T M Hollis

Mrs J F Wilson

L.J Kuhl

R.E Saunders

K.T Scott

P. J McGregor

L.D Kilsby

Mrs L Stone

G K Grant

Mrs M Douglas

N Tonkin

F Tilley

M Heemskerk

M Williams

K Hill

T Kuhl

M Kilsby



Membership is only available between 31st March and 30th September of the current year.

There are several options for membership:

  • Adult annual membership $36 (includes a two day pass for one person and car parking)

  • Guest ticket $28 (purchased only by a member)

  • Junior membership $15 (persons under 18 years of age, includes a two day pass)

  • Competitors one day membership $20 (one day pass and car parking)


Payment to be included with application, method of payment includes cheque, direct deposit or cash.



Please make cheques payable to Mt Gambier A & H Society.


Direct Deposit:

Bendigo Bank

Mt Gambier A&H Society

BSB 633-000

Acc 122059033


*Please use surname and membership as reference 


Please fax, post or email completed form to the show office, details can be found under ‘contact us’ and on the membership form.


Box 106, 
Mount Gambier, SA,



(08) 8725 1873

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